County planning staff prepare County-level open space and greenway plans that can provide guidance for municipal open space and trail plans.
An open space, recreation, or trails plan provides a basis for local decision-making regarding future land use. The planning process typically involves working with municipal officials and staff, recreation groups, and residents to ensure that the plan reflects the community’s vision. An open space plan evaluates existing conditions and community needs and makes recommendations regarding open space acquisition for natural resource protection and public recreation. It also typically suggests park needs and improvements, and often identifies a trail network to serve the community. Additionally, the existence of a plan also helps to support applications for grant funding for recommended activities.
The Planning Department’s professional planners are available to provide technical assistance to municipalities interested in creating or updating an existing open space, recreation or trails plans.
County Open Space, Recreation, and Greenway Plan
Executive Summary
Volume I: Open Space and Recreation Plan
Volume II: Countywide Greenway Plan
Volume III: County Parks and Recreation Plan
Greenway Plan for Darby Creek Watershed
Darby Creek Stream Valley Park Master Plan
Mineral Hill Area Parks Master Plan
Little Flower Open Space Master Site Development Plan
Media-Smedley Connector Trail Feasibility Study