Delaware County Holds Demonstration
of New Voting System at Local Libraries

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Hart Verity 2.3.4 Voting System on display at
Maple and Upper Darby Libraries

Delaware County’s new voting machines will be on display for the public at the Maple and Upper Darby Libraries. The public is invited to view and test the Hart Verity 2.3.4 system. Trainers will be available to answer questions.

Demonstrations will be held:

Feb.18, 10:00a.m.-1:00p.m. at the Marple Public Library (2599 Sproul Rd., Broomall)

Feb. 20, 1:00p.m.- 4:00p.m. at the Upper Darby Township Sellers Library (76 S. State Rd., Upper Darby)

Feb. 21, noon to 3:00p.m. at the Upper Darby Municipal Library (501 Bywood Ave., Upper Darby)

Additional demonstrations at libraries across the county are being scheduled. Night time demonstrations are also being scheduled.

Delaware County Council unanimously voted to purchase the Hart Verity 2.3.4 Voting System in October 2019, following a recommendation by the County’s Board of Elections. The system, certified by the PA Department of State, meets the Governor’s mandate for a verifiable paper trail. It includes plain text which voters can read to verify their vote before casting their ballot. The new voting machines will be used in the 2020 Primary, as mandated by Governor Wolf.

The County’s Board of Elections, Delaware County Council and the County’s Executive Director began researching new voting systems in 2017 to identify systems that would meet the new federal and state requirements. In Pennsylvania, every voting system and paper ballot must include plain text that voters can read to verify their choices before casting their ballot. Election officials will also use the plain text to perform pre-election testing and post-election audits and recounts.

Additional demonstrations and trainings will be held around the County to educate residents and train poll workers for the 2020 Primary. If a group or organization wants to host a machine demonstration, please contact: Nancy Grogan by emailing:

Videos on the Hart Verity 2.3.4 Voting System can be found here:

Contact Us

  •   201 West Front Street,
         Media, PA 19063
  •   8:30AM - 4:30PM
           Monday - Friday
  •   610-891-4000

About Delaware County

Delaware County, presently consisting of over 184 square miles divided into forty-nine municipalities is the oldest settled section of Pennsylvania.

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