Delco Green Ways Grant Program Round 4 Application Period Opens July 31

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Released: July 28, 2023

Delaware County is pleased to offer a fourth round of its popular municipal grant program for open space, trails, and recreation. The grant program, Delco Green Ways, makes funds available to municipalities (and non-profit organizations working with municipalities) for projects that advance the goals of the Delaware County 2035 Open Space, Recreation and Greenway Plan: Conserve, Enhance, Connect.

Building upon the success of the previous rounds, the fourth round of the Delco Green Ways Grant Program is tailored to meet the unique needs of Delaware County communities. The program includes four broad funding categories, including: “Conserve” (open space and natural features); “Enhance” (environmental and recreational uses); “Connect (communities, cultural/historic resources, and natural features); and “Planning & Design” (future amenities in a prioritized, strategic fashion).

The ease of application remains, as do the kinds of projects eligible for funding. Eligible municipal or multi-municipal projects may include fee simple acquisition of land, conservation or trail easements on private land, capital improvements to existing public parkland, regreening efforts, construction of trails, and plans such as comprehensive open space plans, feasibility studies, design, and engineering plans.

A comprehensive list of eligible project types, program guidelines, sample grant applications, and the online application are available on the Delco Green Ways Grant Program website at

Delco Green Ways Grant Program Round 4 Highlights:

Maximum grant amounts in each category are unchanged
A grant match is not required, but submissions including a match (either cash or in-kind services) receive a scoring bonus
Projects in areas identified by regional or state agencies as “potentially disadvantaged” or as “Environmental Justice Areas” receive a scoring bonus
“Conserve” projects for conservation easements require significant public benefit but do not require public access
“Enhance” projects have a 15% allowance of the total project cost for planning and design expenses
“Connect” projects for trail design & engineering have a $250,000 cap unless they are part of the Primary Trail Network.
Applications include standard grant agreements that awardees must sign before the distribution of award money
Electronic signatures are accepted for the purposes of submitting applications, executing contracts, and submitting payment requests.

Additional Administrative Requirements for Round 4:

Planning projects will need to have their RFP and Consultant selection approved by the Green Ways Program before receiving the first award payment.
Conserve Projects grantees will need to submit closing documents for approval by the Green Ways Program prior to release of the final award payment.

Round 4 Application Period:

The application period for Round 4 of the Green Ways Grant Program officially opens on Monday, July 31, 2023, and closes September 29, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.

Awards will be announced by County Council later in the fall.

Round 4 Eligibility:

Municipalities in Delaware County
Multiple municipalities in Delaware County working in partnership on a project
Private non-profit organizations with IRS (501(c)(3) status and in operation for at least three years who have formed a partnership with a municipality for the project as evident in a municipal resolution.

Question and Answer Sessions:

During the open application period, two virtual Q&A sessions have been scheduled for September 7 from 6:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. and on September 12 from 2:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.

For additional information regarding the Q&As, including registration links, please visit the Delco Green Ways Grant Program web page at

Contact Us

  •   201 West Front Street,
         Media, PA 19063
  •   8:30AM - 4:30PM
           Monday - Friday
  •   610-891-4000

About Delaware County

Delaware County, presently consisting of over 184 square miles divided into forty-nine municipalities is the oldest settled section of Pennsylvania.

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