Released: July 21, 2023
Delaware County Council was proud to present a resolution to Delaware County Parks and Recreation Department Director Marc Manfre in recognition of Park and Recreation Professionals Day.
Park and Recreation Professionals Day, held on June 21, is a national celebration honoring essential industry professionals across the country who make our communities better places to live, work and play. The day is designated to show appreciation for Park and Recreation professionals and volunteers who provide and maintain recreational spaces that enrich the lives of community members.
Parks and recreational areas promote physical, emotional, and mental health and wellness, and support the economic vitality of communities by providing jobs and promoting community revitalization.
Delaware County Council commends the Delaware County Parks and Recreation Department, who work to ensure that the county’s parks and recreational spaces are clean, safe, inclusive, and welcoming to all Delaware County residents and visitors.
Congrats Marc to you and your team and thank you for the work you do keeping our County parks beautiful and safe!
PS—if you haven’t checked out our new playground at Rose Tree Park yet- stop by. It’s a great place for families and children to explore and play.