On November 25, 2020 Governor Wolf signed into law Act 134 which increases the training surcharge collected by counties in support of the Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff Education and Training Program. Act 134 consolidates the Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff Education and Training Act (P.L. 3, No. 2) into Title 44 (Law and Justice). Act 134 increases the surcharge fees for service of any complaint, summons, writ or other legal paper Sheriffs’ are required to serve or post.
For all sheriffs’ offices, the fee will increase as follows:
Beginning January 1, 2021, through December 31, 2021, the surcharge will be $16.
Beginning January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022, the surcharge will be $18.
Beginning January 1, 2023, and thereafter, the surcharge will be $20.
All persons entering the courthouse are required to wear a mask or face covering under current county guidelines. You will be required to wear your face covering up to the point when your photo is about to be taken; taking it off only to have your picture taken, then you will then have to don the face covering again until you depart the building.
For a five dollar convenience fee, you can now apply online. See online application link. The online application process will only necessitate one visit to the office. That visit will remain by appointment; that appointment is set during the online application process.
The Sheriff’s Office of Delaware County dedicates itself to enhancing the quality of life in our county through the rendering of professional governmental services to the courts and the community.
The Sheriff of Delaware County is Jerry L. Sanders, Jr. Sheriff Sanders was elected to a four year term in November of 2017.
In Pennsylvania, the Sheriff is a constitutional office and the state constitution requires a Sheriff in each county. The Sheriff is the chief peace officer of the county.
The Sheriff and his deputies may make arrests for on-view violations of the law and breeches of the peace. The Sheriff and his deputies work daily providing courtroom security, prisoner transportation, service of civil and real estate process, as well as the service of court warrants.
Under the direction of Sheriff Sanders, the office is staffed with approximately 70 dedicated deputies, administrative and clerical staff; each providing vital services to the courts and the county.