Avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Only use generators and grills outdoors and away from windows.
Never heat your home with a gas stovetop or oven.
Stay off roads if at all possible. If trapped in your car, then stay inside.
Limit your time outside. If you need to go outside, then wear layers of warm clothing. Watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia.
Reduce the risk of a heart attack by avoiding overexertion when shoveling snow and walking in the snow.
Health Concerns during Winter Weather:
For more information on Frost bite and Hypothermia, visit the CDC web site.
Winter Weather Resources:
Avoid, Spot, Treat Frostbite and Hypothermia Poster - CDC
Winter Storm Information - PA Ready
Winter Safety - NOAA
Winter Storm Safety - Red Cross
Pets need extra care during winter weather, as they cannot care for themselves. There are several measures that can be taken to help your pets:
Bring your pets inside during cold weather and limit their outdoors time
Protect their paws
Take care of their coat and skin - dry your pets when they come in from the snow
Antifreeze is a deadly poison
Use space heaters with caution
Watch for hypothermia
Avoid walking on frozen water or near bodies of water
For more information and assistance, the Delaware County Health Department Wellness Line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition to responding to phone calls, the Wellness Line also responds to email inquiries.
Phone: (484) 276-2100 (Available 24/7)
Email: DelcoWellness@co.delaware.pa.us