This page provides a comprehensive alphabetical list of important health-related web-based resources and information that can be found on our Delaware County Health Department website, as well as links to a wide variety of trusted health care organizations such as the American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association, the PA Department of Health, the CDC, the FDA, and more.
Addiction Treatment Services- DCHD
Advocacy & Resource Organization
Alerts - Environmental Health Alerts - DCHD
Alzheimer’s - CDC
Animal Bites - DCHD
Asthma - CDC
Bed Bugs - CDC
Bites - Animals- DCHD
Board of Health - DCHD
Boosters - COVID - DCHD
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - CDC
Child Health - DCHD
CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program) PA
Citizen Corps of Delaware County (CCDC)
Clean Indoor Air Act - PA Health
Clinical Services - DCHD
Cold Weather Plan 2023 -2024 - DCHD
Community Transit - Delaware County
County Addiction Treatment Services - DCHD
County Office of Services for the Aging (COSA)
Coronavirus (COVID-19) - DCHD
COVID 19 Vaccines - DCHD
County Assistance Office - Delaware County
Crisis Connections Team - DCHD
Delco Revive - DCHD
Dental/Oral Health - DCHD
Deterra Pouch Postcard Survey & Information - DCHD
Doing Delco Safely - DCHD
Domestic Abuse Information - DCHD
Domestic Abuse - Types - DCHD
Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County
Drug Deactivation System - DCHD
Ebola - CDC
E-Cigarettes/Vaping - CDC
Emergency Preparedness - DCHD
Environmental Health - DCHD
Environmental Health Alerts - DCHD
Food and Nutrition Programs - DCHD
Flu - DCHD
Food borne Illness - CDC
Food Safety - CDC
Food Safety Inspections - DCHD
Frostbite - DCHD
Hand washing - CDC
Head Lice Information - CDC
Health Alerts - Environmental - DCHD
Health - Board of - DCHD
Health Clinics - DCHD
Health Codes - DCHD
Heart Health - American Heart Association
Heat Plan - DCHD
Hepatitis A and B - DCHD
Home Weatherization Program - Delaware County
Hospitals in Delaware County
Human Services - Delaware County
Hypothermia - DCHD
Inspections - Food Safety Inspections - DCHD
Immunizations - Adult - Recommended Schedule - CDC
Immunizations - School - PA Health
Infectious Disease Prevention for Schools and Early Childcare Programs - DCHD
Influenza - DCHD
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) - Penn State
Inspections, License & Inspections - DCHD
John Hopkins Survey of Delaware County-2010
John Hopkins Survey of Delaware County-2020
Lead Poisoning - DCHD
Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania
Lice - CDC
License, Permits & Inspections - DCHD
Listeriosis - CDC
Local Municipalities in Delaware County
Lyme Disease - CDC
Maternal Health - DCHD
Measles - CDC
Measles - Recommended Vaccination - CDC
Medical Countermeasures (MCM) - FDA
Meningitis - CDC
Mental Health - DCHD
Mental Health - CDC
Mental Health Resources in Delaware County
Medical Marijuana in PA - PA Gov
MARIJUANA - Parents: As more states legalize marijuana, here’s what you need to know and do
Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) - CDC
Mold - EPA
Mosquito-borne Disease Control Surveillance and Control Program - DCHD
Mpox (Monkeypox) - Delaware County
Mpox (Monkeypox) Factsheet for K-12 and Early Childcare Providers - DCHD
Mpox (Monkeypox) - CDC
MRSA (Penicillin-resistant Staphylococcus bureaus) - CDC
Mumps - CDC
News - DCHD
Norovirus - DCHD
Oral/Dental Health - DCHD
Rabies - CDC
Rabies Exposure Form - DCHD
Rhinovirus - CDC
Respiratory Illnesses - DCHD
Retrovirus D68 - CDC
PA Food Employee Certification - DCHD
PA Pesticide Hypersensitivity Registry - Penn State
Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA)
Permits, License & Inspections - DCHD
Personal Health - DCHD
Pertussis - CDC
Populations Health - DCHD
Rabies - CDC
Regional Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Delaware County
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) - DCHD
School Immunizations - PA Health
School Nurse Resources - DCHD
Sexually Transmitted Diseases / Sexually Transmitted Infections - CDC
Sexual Health Services - DHDC
Shigella/ Shingles - CDC
Shots for School - DCHD
Suicide Prevention - CDC
Smoking/Cessation - CDC
Spotted Lantern fly - PA Dept of Agriculture
Spotted Lantern - You Tube Video - Penn State
Swimming Pool Sickness: Recreational Water Illness
Ticks - CDC
Treatment Addiction Services - Delaware County
Tuberculosis - CDC
Prospect Medical Holdings Bankruptcy Updates - DCHD
Urgent Care Resources in Delaware County - DCHD
Vaccines/Vaccinations - DCHD
Vaping/E-Cigarettes - CDC
Vaccines - COVID - DCHD
Vaccines - Children - DCHD
Walk Well - DCHD
West Nile- CDC
Wellness and Prevention - DCHD
West Nile - DCHD
WIC - Women, Infants, Children - PA WIC
Winter Weather Health - DCHD
Zika Virus - CDC
For more information and assistance, the Delaware County Health Department Wellness Line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition to responding to phone calls, the Wellness Line also responds to email inquiries.
Phone: (484) 276-2100 (Available 24/7)